Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday July 17, 2010 I started training with a group from Miles That Matter. My goal is to walk a 10k on Sept 18, 2010. I will be walking to raise money for a Special Wish Foundation.

Two years ago Tyler was granted a Wish to go to Disney for a week so this is my Pay it Forward. We had a wonderful week at Disney so my goal is to raise money so other families will get to enjoy a Magical week like our family did.

I am a coke drinker so I went COLD TURKEY and stopped drinking it on Sat. This is going to be so hard for me. I hate and I mean hate WATER. I have been drinking SOBE water these last few days or flavor water and it's been tough but I am going to do this.

Yesterday the family decided to take a walk in the back field. I think it's 20 acres but this week I'll take the GPS and track how far we are walking. We did this twice and the second time it was raining and Bailey said she didn't understand why we were walking in the rain when she needed to go in and get her hat because she was getting wet? LOL I told her I had to walk rain or shine so she just went with it. Needless to say, it only rained for a few minutes and then stopped.

Today I need to take my measurements so I have a before and after. I do not want to take pictures of myself since I hate those......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm lovin TARGET

I started clipping coupons about three weeks ago and I am saving tons of money. The first picture I got all those things for just $9.00..I was thrilled and the second picture I got the things for FREE. For those that want to save money....I highly recommend clipping coupons!!! I should have done this years ago. My favorite shopping places are Walgreen's, CVS, Target, Meijer and Walmart. I haven't gotten many deals at Kroger...but I've only been at this for three weeks.
The other day I caught Bailey using her scissors so I asked what she was doing? Cutting coupons she said. LOL I will let you know when I get more bargains...may even share some secrets. LOL

Friday, February 13, 2009

Today I decided to take some pictures of the Valentines outfits I made. I have a new baby model. She is such a sweety but today she just didn't want to smile...I think she was a bit tired. Bailey didn't want to take pics today either. Bailey is not going to budge. LOL.
Benjamin came home last night waving a yellow paper in my face. He was so excited.....he told me he was the STAR student today and he gets to share pictures of himself and his family next week. I asked why he got this award and he told me " Because I've been working hard". I just had to SMILE!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Last night Rob went by Bailey's room and caught the kids watching a DVD together. LOL . Bailey is sitting with Ben in the Hannah Montana chair. This is what you call brotherly love.
Ben and Bailey are best friends. I sure hope this lasts a lifetime.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So it's been a few days since my last post. I can actually say I am tired of all this snow. Last week the kids were off one day and today they were off again because we got 5 inches of snow last night. I am so ready for Spring. I'd rather be cutting grass than shoveling snow. I did make it all day without the kids asking to go outside and sled ride. Today I made everyone clean their rooms.....needless to say....they weren't happy campers. I had a productive day cleaning all the bedrooms and using the carpet cleaner in all the rooms. Wonder how long it will stay clean.....I'm guessing maybe by tomorrow. LOL

Did you all see the Super Bowl? My dad is a huge fan of the Steelers so I had to make him a few things. I made a towel and I made Bailey a Steelers outfit. Ben and I also had Steelers black shirts. We had a lot of fun watching them win. GO STEELERS!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

No School: We are on day number three and I'm not getting any sewing done. Yesterday it snowed all day and I couldn't keep the kids inside. LOL I think Ben and Bailey would have stayed out all day but it was MOM who was cold and figured when their faces were beat red, we needed to come in. Sadie even had fun chasing the kids down the hill. I even slid down the hill a few times but I'll spare myself some embarrassment by NOT showing those pics. LOL

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Special Wish Trip Nov 2008

I can't believe our trip has come and gone. We were so excited when the Wish people called and told us they were granting Tyler's wish. Of course I was busy sewing Disney outfits while the kids were planning which charachters they wanted to meet. LOL. We had such a wonderful time. The weather in Florida was cold so we didn't get to swim but we didn't have time if we wanted to . We stayed at the Give the Kids the World Village. They had plenty of activities for the kids to enjoy. They even had a Friendly's ice cream parlor that was open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We made sure before going to bed we stopped to get icecream. We had to remind the kids that we wouldn't be doing that once we got home. LOL They really liked getting a skake before bed.

Tyler was the Zoo Keeper for the day at the Animal Kingdom. This was the Wish that was granted for him. He and I were able to go behind the scenes and meet several trainers and feed some animals. Tyler fed the alligators first or maybe they were crocs? Anyway, he was thrilled with this. From there we went to feed a hippo some watermellon. We were so close I could have put my arm in it's mouth. I couldn't believe it. These animals are like dogs.....the trainers give them hand signals and they listen. LOL. The last animal Tyler fed was the Rhino. Tyler put some hay down and fed him some carrots and cucumbers. I even got to feed him but I thought it was gross putting my hand in it's mouth. YUCK!!! Tyler smiled throughout this experiance so that's all that mattered. Afterwards the trainers gave him some souvenirs which he loved. When we left to meet back up with the rest of the family Tyler told us that now he could go back to school and let everyone know that dreams do come true......he's now an official Rhino trainer.

Magic Kingdom was awesome. We were treated like royalty. The greeters made sure that Tyler got to take his picture with all the characters he wanted to see. Most of them talked to him and let him feel their fur, skin etc. It was so touching. Ben and Bailey also had a great time. Bailey loved meeting all the Princesses and Tinker Bell. Ben loved the rides.

We also went to Sea World, Universal Studio's, MGM. On the last day in Florida I met up with one of the girls in my Ebay sewing group. What a nice visit we had. Thank you Hayley for taking the time out to meet up with me and my family.
If you ever need someplace to donate money I would suggest your local Special Wish program. This truly is a Wonderful organization!!!